Mar 1, 2009

Your Brain on A Walk

If you need extra encouragement to keep walking or get walking, consider the health of your brain! Scientists say exercise for your body IS exercise for your mind. And exactly who are these research types? Take a look at the SharpBrains website to see articles by four of them.

(Once on the home page, scroll down to the "Physical Exercise" section--The Science of Exercise and Brain Health by Dr. Pascale Michelon; Exercising the Body is Exercising the Mind -and- Brain Virtues of Physical Exercise by Dr. Adrian Preda; and, Waltzing Your Way to Physical and Mental Health by Caroline Latham).

The current explosion of brain-aging-health stories in the media is hard to escape so if you'd like to get a quick idea of what all the buzz is about, here's a clip found on my new favorite source for health videos, the Inspire website. (My old faves for health info in video form are still CNN Health and

With a tip of the hat to activities that stimulate discussion, reflection and, therefore, our brains, here are my three questions about the ideas shared above. Email walktopia at gmail dot com and let me hear from you!

(1) All this focus on my aging brain spurred me to dig out my husband's Nintendo DS-Lite and play a round of Brain Age! What does the current spotlight on 'brain health' spur you to do?

(2) Do you use Internet video as a source for health information? If so, what are YOUR fave sites?

(3) Before reading this blog post, what were your thoughts about the connection between your walking and your cognitive function? Now, do you consider your walks beneficial to brain wellness?

Walk Smart (pun intended),