Mar 29, 2009

Walking and The Economy: Your Confident Steps

At an intersection of WALKING and THE CURRENT ECONOMY stands an unlikely figure...Forbes publisher Rich Karlgaard. His 3-minute Talk Back segment on "10 Things I Do to Stay Optimistic" unknowingly encourages us (the ones who walk for our health) thusly: "#3 – Eat right, get enough sleep and EXERCISE...But forget the gym! Go OUTSIDE. Feel the brisk air on your cheeks."

Thanks, Rich, for this advice from the business sector. I'll take an affirmation of walking--to boost optimism or for any other good reason--wherever I can get it ;).

In the meantime, Rich's piece weaves in basic ideas about economic concerns as he also quotes Helen Keller: "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." And so, Rich reminds us that what holds true for your economic health may well be true for your physical well-being. Optimistically speaking, walkers who cultivate the hope of better health through walking -and- who exude confidence in our ability to sustain a daily habit of walking, will achieve our goals.

In interviews, Karlgaard has said he's a shy Midwesterner but he's obviously mastered the art of reaching out and communicating in 4 minutes or less. If you'd like to partake of more of his banter about business topics with an occasional smattering about the rest of life, start by clicking here.

Manual link:

Here's to Our Confident and Optimistic Steps
(on the walking path and in our lives moving forward),