Dec 29, 2008

Congratulations to Bonnie Jortberg and her Step Diet!

Congratulations and kudos go to our friend, mentor and teacher, Bonnie Jortberg, MS, RD, CDE (pictured here)! The Step Diet--a walking-focused program for healthy weight through targeting at least 10,000 steps each day and eating smarter--has been selected again this year as one of Health Magazine's Top 10 Healthiest Diets in America. Bonnie is author of the book along with Doctors James Hill and John Peters.

After first reading a favorable review of The Step Diet Book on Wendy Bumgardner's blog, we contacted Ms. Jortberg to lead teleconference Q&A sessions with walkers at Walktopia workshops in Whole Foods Learning Centers and later, Border's monthly bookclub program. Over the course of a year, Bonnie called, encouraged and coached all of us to better health status through walking and diet.

With Bonnie's long-distance assistance, a team of us eventually delivered a national recreation association conference presentation about the social aspects of starting a Step Diet support group for people who use walking and diet to control chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Now, once again, the Step Diet has proven its value and longevity. Because of our positive and results-filled experiences with Bonnie, we walkers already know that the program is rooted in sound nutrition science and a deep caring for the improved health of all communities. It's good to know that this year's panel of experts and peers at Health Magazine, agree!

If you're a walker who's interested in exploring a walk-centric way to achieve your weight managment goals, take a look at the Step Diet Book. Long may we live by the Step Diet's practical and effective walking-centered principles.

Wishing You Many Satisfying Steps,