Dec 28, 2008

Feet, feet, feet...Where Every Walk Begins

Feet, feet, feet: for walkers, that's where it all starts. Today, I enjoyed a meandering, invigorating walk from the South Loop to Water Tower and back. I couldn't have done it without strong, comfortable, healthy feet! And, I'm feeling pretty grateful because it's been a long road to get my feet back into shape. That road has been paved with ingrown toenails, bunions, plantars fasciitis, tingly-sensation-caused-by-damaged-nerve problems, dead skin buildup on heels, and a mysterious 'big toe joint pain'. Now, however, it seems like those problems are a thing of the past. What's different? Four things that I can think of: my new Chung Shi 'day' shoes, orthopedic crocs 'house' shoes, the willingness to take an 81mg aspirin about once a month, and a three-times-per-week foot pampering routine (see the "5 Minutes of Bliss" post above). Yep, you heard me correctly--my feet are loving all the attention and are feeling soooooo good. Got foot makeover experiences and advice of your own to share? Send us your story via email and we'll share it here.

Your Feet Rock (and don't you forget it :),