Jul 28, 2008

Can You Walk and Breathe @ The Same Time?

In the category of "environment factors that affect your wellness walk"...

Click this link to an article highlighted in a Google Alert. It's called "Something's In the Air and It's Not Love" and talks about the impact of air quality on our favorite pastime--walking for wellness. 

This Canadian cites trans-boundry pollution from the U.S. as one of many sources of woe. The list of cautions is important for you, no matter where you live. Among other noteworthy facts in the article, you'll especially appreciate this advice:

1. Symptoms of your reaction to air pollution may include eye irritation, cough, nasal drip or difficult breathing 
2. Special caution should be taken by those of us with COPD, heart disease, asthma or allergies
3. Remember to adopt air-friendly personal habits when possible, like recycling or using public transit

Lastly, here are links to two things I've found useful and hope you'll add to your walking and wellness resource list: find your city's air alert, get your town's 4-Day allergy forecast, access the tech stats on U.S. air pollution. 

Breathe Well,