Aug 9, 2008

Walk Down Your Blood Sugar – How Does This DVD Rate With You?

:: AT FIRST ::
The first time I stood in front of a TV monitor and did a walking workout to a Leslie Sansone video, I hated it! My manager at the time suggested we use it during breaks to help me maintain some hard-won weight loss. Kudos and gratitude go to her for being so supportive! Unfortunately, those videos Madalynn brought from home for us to use had outdated disco music and exercise moves that felt too jarring and painful for me. In spite of good intentions, we didn’t end up taking very many of those afternoon walk breaks.

However, as fate would have it, five years later I stumbled upon a Leslie Sansone DVD listed on a Resource Handout from the American Diabetes Association. What drew me to the video was Sansone’s focus on an exercise routine specifically for blood sugar control. Guess what? I tried it again and this time, I love Sansone’s walking exercise routine!

In my humble opinion, a magical bonus on this DVD is the 5-minute talk with Dr. John Jakicic*. It’s a motivator! All he does is share some quick insight about the link between diabetes and exercise. But, after you listen to what this expert has to say, you’ll find it really easy to go ahead and complete the workout portion of the DVD.

Whether you’re managing your blood sugar or not, this DVD is worth a try if you seek a low-key, low-impact 1-mile or 2-mile walk workout you can do indoors. The music is up-to-date and the workout cast members share a few compelling walk-for-wellness stories that can inspire you.

There seems to be a version of this workout that doesn’t include the doc’s comments. For example, Amazon carries the doc-less version. Here's the title that has everything: "Walking Down Your Blood Sugar-A Walk and A Talk DVD". I found and purchased this through Sansone’s own walk site and you can click here to visit her description and order page.

Here's To Your Weatherproof Walks,


*Dr. Jakicic is Chair of the University of Pittsbugh Medical Center Physical Activity Department and he’s Director of a 10-year study on diabetes prevention and management.

Disclosure: Walktopia remains a labor of love and has no relationship whatsoever with Leslie Sansone's company. No money is exchanged, no favors are granted, no swag is provided (but I might be kinda open to the swag part...).