Jun 1, 2008

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Dear Walktopia Friends, 

You recreational and athletic walkers know what a perfect setting the outdoors can be. The stunning display of nature's diversity in plants, animal, trees, insects, sky, water, wind and more, are what I call the "Joy Factor" in walking. 

(In my book, the Joy Factor means "happiness, stress relief and positive feelings produced by taking a walk in the natural environment. Wellness and other benefits derived from the joy-inducing things you see, hear, touch or smell during a walk outdoors.") 

Who knew, even a scant ten years ago, that simple car engines and sound systems could steal away so much of walking's Joy Factor? While 20th century noise pollution seemed far away, today's noise is a lot closer and LOUDER.

I don't know about you but when I'm walking on a city or suburban sidewalk/path and something that sounds akin to a jet plane pulls up right next to me, it takes me a second or two to adjust and tune it out. What's more, I'm absolutely convinced that the big bass 'boom, boom, boom' car stereos have singlehandedly caused a mild onset of tinnitus. 

If you're a walker who can relate to these scenarios or have ear health issues/questions/self-management tips of your own to share, please feel free to chat it up here on this blog and, as always, check out the resources presented below.

:: Read the Centers for Disease Control definition of noise pollution along with links to FAQ, publications and resource list.

:: More than 20 hearing disorders indexed and described at the American Hearing Research Association site.

:: Neat quicktime video that let's you hear what tinnitus sounds like and see an informative noise & hearing health chart at HearNet--the musician's ear health project.

:: Environmentally speaking...here's a WIRED article on how noise is altering nature 

Walk In Good Health (and that includes your precious hearing),