May 14, 2008

Walk Food?

Dear Walk Friends, 

Recently my husband made several big lifestyle changes. One of the most profound is a shift to eating organic, whole, locally-grown, fresh and raw foods. How this new wrinkle in my personal life relates to walkers who read Walktopia is this...

As you might imagine, the volume of my reading on nutrition has ballooned lately. But, while sources seem to agree that eating fresh fruit and vegetables supports wellness, I've uncovered a few ideas related to food and exercise that my walking friends say are debatable. Here's one example.

I took it for granted that performance foods (such as special types of bars, foods labeled 'energy') are "super" fuel for walking and other forms of exercise. This isn't so, according to WebMD. They assert that performance foods are merely convenience foods. While they're handy and helpful for people on the go, performance foods shouldn't be considered necessary. 

Lisa Bunce, RD, says, "If we could get a balanced diet, we'd have all we need and be able to ward off diseases, keep our weight under control, and exercise everyday with good energy. Nobody has yet invented a supplement that provides better nutrition than common foods."

What does your experience with food and exercise show? Specifically, what's your take on the value of performance foods and supplements for your walks? This conversation has lots of room for your anecdotes, opinions and ideas... 

Eat well,