Mar 31, 2008

Get A Little, Give A Little :: Resources for Watchful, Wise Walkers

If you enjoy wellness walks it’s very likely that you can also be described as a watchful and wise individual. Here are two interesting, new resources that may appeal to both those traits you possess.

Watchful? Get A Little
Watchful walkers may be interested to learn that the Avon Hello Tomorrow Fund gives away $5,000 each week to a worthy woman or man engaged in deserving work to improve the lives of women. The fund will be a year old in April. A quick review of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list will tell you if your project (or that of someone you know) fits their concept. There’s also a list of the all-star award judges and links to a few other organizations that benefit women. Remaining deadlines this year are June 2, September 1 and December 1.

Wise? Give A Little
Kiva is a popular nonprofit microlending site powered by people like you and me. Wise walkers may ask, “what’s so wise about donating money ($25 minimum) to help someone in a developing country fund their microbusiness in an effort to work their way out of poverty?” You may find an answer inside the reactions of Kiva loan fund recipients and donors alike as favorably covered by media including NPR, ReadyMade, Slate, San Jose Mercury News, Smithsonian Magazine, Stanford or the Wall Street Journal. Or, you may wisely guess that it simply has something to do with “casting bread upon the water” or “being the change you want to see”. Appealing to the sage in you? You can learn more about Kiva from the U.S. State Department brief.

Walk Well,
