Mar 4, 2007

Lung-Challenged Walking: Steve Inspires

B E :: I N S P I R E D :: How would you walk with 30% less lung capacity? What about doing a marathon? Or racewalking? What would motivate you and keep you achieving? Find out from (and be inspired by) someone amazing we just met--Steve, publisher and author of the BayCityWalker.

W A L K :: M O R E :: Do your part to reduce the ever-present smog that triggers asthma and exercerbates everyone's lung health. More lung-friendly ideas: take a bus, bike, use an electric or manual lawnmower, gas-up in the cool of the evening.

W A L K :: F O R :: T H E :: G R E A T E R :: G O O D :: Enjoy participating in the annual American Lung Association Asthma Walk or the annual Lung Association Stair Climb Event near you.

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