Nov 4, 2006

Tree Walk: What Is?

Luanne (pictured here pointing) pulls up in her pickup truck and we all take off on a tree walk. She’s the consummate guide, has an encyclopedic knowledge of trees and teaches us about their features, character, condition, ailments and care. The outing is a walking tour focused on the observation and enjoyment of trees in parks, in front of homes, in playgrounds and along the fairways of neighborhoods.

Tree walks, in general, are outings where:
::: you can compare notes and conversate with others who like trees
::: you can get some fresh air and some physical activity while touring someplace you want to see
::: you can learn handy facts about a variety of trees and ask an expert all your tree questions

Many colleges and universities are home to tree walks created by grounds departments, arborists, or as memorials. At Vermont Law, the environmental law librarian was part of the walk creator team. You can take a virtual tour of campus tree walks here:

Portland, Oregon Lewis & Clark College
Davis, CA Univ. of California
Oxford, OH Miami University
Lynnwood, WA Edmonds Community College
South Royalton, VT Vermont Law School

Sidenote: Butler University in Indianapolis, IN refreshes our memory of why leaves change color and drop in fall.

NorCalnote: Please see these Walktopia updates for tree walk info and tree-based volunteer fun
Where to Tree Walk
Exercise, Ecology & Baseball tree activity
Exercise, Ecology & Golf tree activity

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