Feb 6, 2007

Bird Walk Notes

You may already know that Walktopia is all about walk culture--an inclusive concept that embraces walking of any kind, for any reason. Why? Because walking, in every form, is unquestionably good for us--our bodies, minds and souls! With that concept at heart, I hope you'll join me in a new walk adventure: to participate in the National Audubon Society's 10th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count, February 16-19, 2007. You don't have to be an Audubon member to take part and it's totally free!


1. The Great Backyard Bird Count speaks to everyone's love of nature

2. The Great Backyard Bird Count fulfills a human desire to be part of something for the greater good--in this case, it's wildlife conservation

3. The Great Backyard Bird Count is a universally accessible activity. It can be done by people at every level of physical ability, at any age and in virtually any location!

FYI, the Great Backyard Bird Count is being held in partnership with Cornell University Ornithology Lab and is sponsored in part by Wild Birds Unlimited.


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