Jan 30, 2007

WalkNews :: You Ever Dita Walk?

From the Idita-Walk Team - "Greetings from Nome Alaska! Idita-Walk 2007 begins on 3 February 2007, and completes on 18 March 2007. We have reduced prices this year to $10 for each participant. By paying the registrant fee, you will receive a collectible lapel pin, as well as a FINISHER certificate upon successful completion (not to mention getting into the best shape of your life!). The 2007 Idita-Walk proceeds will go to benefit many different youth programs in the Nome, AK area. Your paid participation (register here) can make a wonderful difference in the lives of the Nome youth. Everybody wins! Please join us today, and invite a friend or two! We're looking forward to seeing you on the trail (and our website) again this year!"

Here are Idita-Walkers' top reasons to start walking. Please Be Inspired!

10. It's easy to do and get started
9. No additional equipment necessary
8. Age is irrelevant
7. Live longer
6. Get fresh air
5. Reduce stress
4. You can do it anywhere
3. It's free
2. Everyone win
1. Saves on gas!

Walktopia Footnote: Idita-Walk is an Alaska-based fundraiser that's also a wellness inspiration. With a name derived from the famous Iditarod Alaskan Trail Sled Dog Race, it's a virtual walk with real-world rewards. You ever dita walk? I did and got a cool t-shirt plus my name name up in lights (#295 in 2005).

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