Jan 10, 2007

WalkNews: Update Yourself

:: brief :: Walktopia's syndicated web content (this weblog) now features our own brand of newsfeed--WalkNews. You're invited to stay tuned and submit often!

:: notes :: how to submit your newsfeed items to appear on this blog.......wikipedia definition of newsfeed.......found when i googled the word 'newsfeed'

:: technorati tags :: ,

:: message :: Special THANKS to everyone who participated and helped grow our community by submitting items for the 2006 Walktopia Weekly News. It was a big hit and WalkNews will replace it in 2007. We're looking for walkcentric or walk-related items (like breaking news, current events, photos, analysis, or opinions) you want the world to see / hear / learn / think about / enjoy.

Stay tuned and submit often,