Aug 13, 2006

Walktopia Weekly News, Vol. 1, No. 4

In the same week that AOL went payless, airlines prohibit liquid carry-on, and gerontologists announce “80 is the new 60!” we’ve also got the following news from the world of walking.

Not many months ago, Cleveland entrepreneur, walking enthusiast and cyclist Lois Moss had a vision. She thought there should be a time and space to walk one of the city’s most venerable park areas—Rockefeller Park with its Greenhouse, Pond and Tennis Courts--without the hustle and bustle of cars whizzing through it. Many conversations and a special “innovation” grant later, Cleveland Walk+Roll was born so city residents could do just that! Debuting last weekend with a finale today (Sunday, 8/13/06), Moss’s idea has been dubbed a success. Up to 10,000 people, including many walkers, will have enjoyed the 2.1 mile park route over both days.

Go there: Cleveland Walk+Roll

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Phil Howell’s put the finishing touches on his original Icabod character to illustrate how racewalking should be done. In Howell’s online Racewalking 101 course, the helpful stick figure Icabod shows these do’s, don’ts and basic racewalking techniques: general racewalking, creeping, lifting, posture, head, shoulders, arms, hips, knees, feet, stride, speed.

Go there: Racewalking 101

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This week, Cesar Millan announced an opportunity to learn more about your dog at webinars on October 22, November 4 and December 3, 2006. If your town isn’t on the list for his national seminar tour, the webinar may be a good option to get the information you need. The unique webinar format gives you a chance to see Millan in the comfort of your own home and, if you wish, experience the class with your dog! The 2-hour webinar is set to include live broadcast, online polls, Q&A and coverage of topics like, “Cesar’s philosophies on the power of the walk.”

Advice: If you're new to webinar participation, (a) check the webinar refund policy statements and be aware of what’s required in order for you to get full value from this learning format, (b) be sure your computer and peripherals meet all of the system requirements for participation in the webinar.

Webinar tickets range from $175 to a discounted $125. In comparison, tickets to stops on Millan’s national seminar tour (fyi: more than half of the locations are SOLD OUT) range from $80 and up and a portion of proceeds benefit local animal rescues.

Instant Refresher: What's Cesar's Dog Whisperer TV show on the National Geographic Channel?, What’s a webinar?

Go there: Cesar Millan Webinars (online events), Dog Psychology Seminars (offline events), Dog Whisperer DVD and Book List

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