Aug 13, 2006

NorCal Update: When Walking Makes Us Laugh

A clown’s walk is distinctive and, you may be surprised to learn, carefully crafted. Veteran clown coach Bob Hoagland says “Each individual clown has their own way of walking. It goes with their character.” Hoagland, pictured right, is a frequent emcee of the Clown For A Day workshop.

You can learn clown character development, including how to choreograph your own unique clownwalk, at Hoagland’s workshop called Basic Clownology ($75 for 10 Wednesday evenings). The next class, now forming, begins September 20.

“Your clown walk must be designed so that if you’re in a 2-mile parade you can walk the whole 2 miles without wearing yourself out,” says Hoagland who unveiled his own original clown character, Hobo Bob, in 1956. How does Hobo Bob walk? Hoagland says it’s easy-going, smooth and slow.

If you're wondering whether you can learn to walk in those gigantic red shoes often seen on clown feet, the answer is yes. Hoagland can instruct you on walking in this standard part of clown attire and the smile-producing foot covers can be purchased from suppliers.

Hobo Bob first performed as part of a comedy routine in a Palo Alto skating rink ice show. Today, Hoagland remains active in the profession and with the local clown community. He performs at special events, teaches clownology and is Properties Manager and Membership Chair of the local non-profit organization, Klown Alley of Sacramento (KAOS).

Over the years Hoagland says he’s taught more than 350 people “the proper way to clown” and agrees that an equal number of distinctive clown walks have been born!

Contact Hoagland at email hobobob [at] Hoagland [dot] org, 916.725.5970

Instant Refresher: Who Are Bert Williams and Red Buttons?

Helpful link: Where Can I Find a NorCal Clown Club?

Visual Credit: Walktopia

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