Aug 23, 2006

Tease Out the Details: How & Why to Walk Your City, Part 1

“I've always walked wherever I was. It's my way of getting to know a place.” – Grandma J, Author, Walking Prescott

Blog creator, Grandma J says her blog, Walking Prescott, is “all about the flavor of a small Arizona city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises…wildflowers and nature…the forest…people and events…plus occasional comments on science fiction, music and the great wide world beyond.” Click over to GJ's blog right now for a slice of walk culture, Prescott-style. Then, come back and enjoy Walktopia's four-part series (it’s a quick scrolldown read, we promise) where GJ tells how and why she walks her city—and shares plenty of reasons you should walk (and photograph) your local area, too!

Walktopia: What inspired you to begin walking and blogging your town?

GJ: I don't drive. I live in a smallish city, near downtown. So, I decided to do a blog, called "Walking Prescott" about the wonderful, quirky, and unexpected things I see when I'm out and about. I've learned to always take my camera along -- and I've discovered that the more I photograph, the more I see! Occasionally, somebody gives me ride -- and I take advantage of that, too-- I'd be foolish not to. However, most of my blog posts involve different sights I've seen while out walking.

For me, walking is nothing new -- I have always walked wherever I was. It's my way of getting to know a place. Walking -- whether in the city or in the woods -- gives you time and space to really observe the smaller details that surround you. And taking pictures has only emphasized the "seeing" -- I can go for a short walk and return with 50-60 images of everything from a single flower or a bug to a whirligig made from Pepsi cans (shown above).

Series Photo Credits: Grandma J

Instant refresher: Grandma J’s intro to walking a city

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