Aug 23, 2006

Grandma J's Backstory: How & Why to Walk Your City, Part 3

"There's a big world out there to observe within a 1-mile radius of home.” - Granny J, Walking Blogger

Walktopia: If you had to describe yourself to a room full of couch-potatoes in a way that would help them get off the couch and start walking, what would you say?

GJ: I'm a nearly-80-year-old woman with COPD in a mountain town that's all uphill and I'm having a ball walking with my camera and writing my blog! I couldn't powerwalk if you paid me a million $ -- I have to take it slowly, but that way I am able to really SEE more things. There's a big world out there to observe within a 1-mile radius of home.

By the way, COPD is an upscale way of saying I suffer from emphysema, after a classic journalist's life of heavy smoking. Doc tells me to always suck on an oxygen set-up -- I'd rather walk freely & build up my endurance. So far it seems to work.

Walktopia: How did you get the blog name Granny J :-)?

GJ: That one's simple -- my daughter was blogging as Omega Mom and I needed a nom de plume, my first name starts with J and I'm a grandmother, so there you go: Granny J.

Instant refresher: What’s COPD?

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