Jul 29, 2006

Part 3: Can You Walk & Chew Gum Do Yoga?

“Walk a labyrinth and you’ll find it’s kind of like walking through life. You enter an unknown, conquer your fears, and stay on a path to attain a goal.” ~ Linda Wallace, Labyrinth Walker and Yoga Teacher

From the beginning, Linda Wallace--who started teaching yoga in 1992--has made links between yoga and the act of taking a walk. Back then, as she does now, she encourages students to walk a labyrinth at the end of each class in order to:

- Cool-down
- Meditate
- Center

(It should be noted that, even in the years before completing her new yoga studio, Wallace threw labyrinth parties for friends and neighbors. They enjoyed the fun and self-discovery of walking her original labyrinths--a yin-yang symbol and a pyramid pictured here--on her scenic woodland property.)

Contact Wallace at Raven Yoga Studio, email thezenofbowling [at] juno [dot] com, 520.749.2407

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