May 13, 2006

110 Seconds of Zen

Have a walk zen experience at musician and craftsman David Blonski’s compact VIRTUAL labyrinth. Can’t walk at Grace or Chartres (famous labyrinths at Cathedrals in San Francisco and near Paris, respectively)? Simply follow Blonski’s music-powered digital hawk, winging your way to the circuit’s center and back. Labyrinth-ites define the center as a place you can use to meditate or otherwise connect and reflect. Blonski gives you the option of making a virtual stop there.

Remember, a labyrinth differs from a maze in two important ways: first, there are no decision points or dead ends and, second, you enter as well as exit from the same place. Some say our interaction with labyrinths, whose forms come from ancient ritual and art, reach us on a subconscious level to promote inner peace. Combined with simple, effective imagery, this digital labyrinth works as on-the-fly (no pun intended :-) stress relief or a mood booster. Blonski is a Renaissance-style creative who, among many other ventures, handcrafts dijeridoos.
