Dec 6, 2006

Walkers, Asthma and Allergy

Walkers should be aware that prevalence rates for allergies and asthma have doubled in the past 20 years. An Asthma and Allergy Foundation survey shows that at some time during the year, asthma has caused 49% of children and 50% of adults to stop exercise midway through their regimen.

If you have noticed a difference in your ability to breathe freely while on a walk (or are allergic/asthmatic) here are some resources you may find helpful.

Thoughts on the relationship between asthma and walking ::: Essay of ideas from Greg Mee at his for-profit site, the Gems For Friends alternative healing directory

Allergic asthma info ::: Questionnaire and recommendations from Sleep-Work-Play--a program of the the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of organization whose sponsors include pharmaceutical and insurance companies

Allergies walkers can experience including itchy legs syndrome ::: Report from the Guide to Walking, Wendy Bumgardner that describes symptoms, treatment and links to related articles

The facts about exercise-induced asthma (EIA) ::: Site developed by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology...a professional medical specialty organization

P.S. - On a related, gift-giving note...Some children's toys may now bear an asthma friendly label as awarded by a new program of Allergy Standards Limited in partnership with the previously mentioned Asthma and Allergy Foundation.

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