Oct 15, 2006

NorCal Update: Celebrating Step Diet Champs!

Want to catch up with the idea formerly known as StepClub? We're talkin' expert nutrition tips, proven walking-for-weightloss advice, and all the free Borders Cafe/Seattle's Best herbal tea you can drink. If this is your idea of a good time, check out Read::Talk::Walk--a section of get-together details on Walktopia's sidebar. Then, join us at October's fete!

Pictured here are a few of the 3 guys and 11 gals who participated faithfully (and healthfully) during the year. Thanks, Sarah, PJ, Jackie, Karen, Biba and Earl (in the photo)--for all the good times and camraderie. Thanks John, Steve, Christine, Gin, Phyllis, Barb and Avantika, for being part of the meetups, too, and for being the best "club friends" ever!

Thanks Kim, for including us in your wellness walking calendar and thanks Richard for helping us tell our story and share it with the community via the local journal. And, thanks Sherri, Vicki, Suzanne and all the Borders crewmates for being outstanding hosts each and every time.

Plans are underway for 2007 walking-for-weightloss happenings but first, let's thank our favorite nutritionist (and co-author of The Step Diet Book), Bonnie T. Jortberg, MS, RD, CDE, for a great year of coaching and support. She'll be on the phone for you, LIVE, at this walk-themed celebration. Here are your details.

Time and Place

About Our Guest: Bonnie T. Jortberg, MS, RD, CDE

FAQ: What Is Read::Talk::Walk?

FAQ: Is This A Walk Club?

FAQ: More About Read::Talk::Walk

Book Chat Discussion Guide

Member Recipe: Barb's Sierra Club Singles Splurge Bars

Member Recipe: Biba's Community Health Educator's Nutritious Bars

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