Oct 12, 2006

Breast Cancer Awareness: Grab Geocaching.com “Cause Cache”

In the Caching for a Cause department…

Walktopia’s discovered a breast cancer-themed geocache! It was created two years ago by a cacher whose Mom is a multi-year survivor. In the cache desccription, geocachers are encouraged to “take a minute to think of others who are celebrating their survivorship and to remember those who have lost their fight against this disease.” The cacher goes on to share 10 facts about breast cancer including: 1,600 MEN will die of breast cancer this year. One WOMAN in eight who lives to age 85 will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

Want to explore caching (a walk-based sport that is the world’s biggest hi-tech hide-and-seek game) for fun or for a cause? Visit here.

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