Sep 30, 2006

Sticktuitiveness Tips: John Joseph, Part 4

Here's a photo of John Joseph in Oregon--the site of his walking "war story" from Part 2 of our conversation. And, here's the last installment of our 4-part chat.

John's stories and ideas are an inspiration for happy, healthy living but, like many of us, John loves to kick back on the couch and enjoy the tube. He’s got a Tivo season pass to shows on the History Channel. Plus, he’s no stranger to the battle of the sexes over the next Netflix, adding with a chuckle, “We get lots of movies and I always want action and adventure. If it’s a totally chick film we’re seeing, I watch it from the kitchen.”

Even so, his sofa no longer has an iron-clad hold on him. John's figured out how to motivate himself (and others) to walk regularly. Here's John’s advice that you can use to stick to a walk regimen once you’ve cleared the starting gate.

1. WALK IN MARATHONS. Do all of the marathons you can fit into your schedule. The whole process keeps you active and walking a marathon gives you energy!

2. SUBSTITUTE WALKS FOR EATING/WATCHING TV. After work, if you’re tired and really stressed out, go for a walk versus taking a nap or sitting on the couch and eating. After 15 minutes of walking, you’ll get going.

3. GO SOLO. Try walking on your own. Don’t just walk when a buddy is available or a club has an outing.Get used to taking walks when YOU need to for YOUR health and wellness.

4. BE A COLLECTOR. Start your own collection of walk t-shirts. You’ll have fun looking back at the souvenirs of your successes (and mess-ups). You can use your collection to remember funny stories, too!

Photo credit: Sandy Joseph

Read the other three parts of this four-part chat with John: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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