Sep 26, 2006

Card-Carrying Member: Audubon

Walking may be a personal act but when you become a card-carrying member of a walking or walk-related organization, you’re sure to learn about a variety of community and political issues that you never dreamed play a part in ‘putting one foot in front of the other’.

Through magazines and meetings, websites and blogs, newsletters and emails, groups explain the policy implications of walking and other outdoor activities. They educate us about values, vision, goals, agendas and platforms. Most seek walkers’ help in campaigns to sway leadership action and public opinion. For example, this morning, in response to my local Audubon Society Action Alert, in less than 5 minutes I took the following 3 steps to support a cause I believe in—preservation of birds and other wildlife. Yesterday and today are designated Capitol Hill Call-In Days for the express purpose of hearing public support for issues.

1. Skimmed the email alert

2. Clicked on the link to find phone numbers of my state and federal elected officials

3. Called 4 officials and read this call script to a staffer: “Hello, I am a member of the Audubon Society calling to urge (Elected Official’s Name Here) to support at least $67.5 million for State Wildlife Grants in the Interior Appropriations Conference. We are seeking your support to ensure the State Wildlife Grants program gets the highest number of dollars possible. Thank you.”

Want to know more or help?

Click here if you’re reading this on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 and want to voice your support for State Wildlife Grants (elected officials lookup).

Click here if you'd like to check out the backgrounder on State Wildlife Grants funding for yourself.

Click here to find the Audubon Society near you and access the calendar of bird walks and other outings you'll enjoy :D.

Image credit: Provided by the Audubon Society

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