Apr 1, 2006

Weight Debate: Count Calories, Carbs, Fat Grams or All of the Above?

What’s your diet based on? (Click "COMMENTS" below to share). Is it all about forbidden foods or counting things? If you're like me, you've tried many plans and still work at effectively managing weight. If you like to WALK (or want to start walking) you might enjoy a relatively new option called The Step Diet. It's a plan to maintain healthy weight, stop gaining weight or lose weight by gradually increasing your physical activity to include 10,000 steps a day.

The Step Diet Book (includes Accusplit step counter) is an attention-grabber because of author links to heavy-hitters like Dr. Pamela Peeke, the National Institutes of Health and University of Colorado. Here’s a key to the diet's acceptance at a recent Walktopia Walkshop: readers discovered the walking strategies prescribed by authors James Hill, Ph.D., John Peters, Ph.D. and Bonnie Jortberg, M.S., R.D. are SUSTAINABLE and PRACTICAL for busy lifestyles.

What've you got to gain? The plan says: you'll lose up to 2 pounds each week over the 12 weeks of the program—a medically-recommended healthy rate of weight loss (see page 64). Reduce what you eat by a quarter--a 25% reduction is really just taking a step back to normal, adequate portions (see page 79). It may take you a little longer to lose a lot of weight using the Step Diet but what you lose will stay off (see page 78).

The book includes a chart to find how many steps you get from OTHER ACTIVITIES like yoga and bicycling; how to use the Step Diet with KIDS; how many steps it takes to "burn off" common FOODS we eat; and, a list of 50 ideas for walking more at work, around your community or with family and FRIENDS.

Below are some places you can explore the Step Diet for yourself:

Book Reviews
About.com Guide to Walking Book Review
– http://snipurl.com/stepdietbookreview1
SHAPE Magazine 5 Must Have Diet Books article
- http://www.shape.com/eatright/7869

Publisher Site
Workman Publishing Step Diet Book information site
– http://stepdietbook.com

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